The Rhema Experience

We believe the How is just as important as the What
I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen. Not because I see it, but because I see everything by it.
C.S. Lewis

Christian freedom combined with the call to obedience translate into a code of responsibility. The teachers and the pupils bear the responsibility of living together in a Christian manner. The atmosphere of the school is one of joy, love, and security as a result of mutual respect and a common bond in Christ’s love.
The family has primary responsibility for the education of their children. Home and school must work together so that the children will be nurtured in the Christian faith. Close cooperation between home and school is integral to the success of the school.
The staff is made up of qualified Christian professionals. All staff seek to be Christian role models and work together in harmony. Teachers, support and administrative staff are regarded as equal partners in the task of Christian education.
Daily prayer is an integral part of a day at Rhema. The community prays daily for the school. Teachers meet regularly for devotional times. Classroom prayer begins and ends the day and is interspersed throughout the day. Individual situations are dealt with prayerfully.
Each child is valued as one of God’s children and His special creation made in His image. Students are taught to develop all talents to the glory of God. Our children are encouraged to understand what it means to love God with all their heart, mind and soul and be engaged in acts of loving neighbour, and caring for themselves in healthy ways. We believe in this way we fulfil Jesus’ greatest commands-to love and be loved.
The Christian School society is made up of members, both parents and non-parents, who take final responsibility for the education of the children at Rhema. This community is a supportive one caring for the needs of all involved. The larger Christian community forms a support base for the school–financially, prayerfully, and physically.
The curriculum meets all Ministry requirements while also fulfilling Christian Biblical standards. It is sufficiently diverse to meet the needs of all students and the goals are rooted in biblical principles.